Tableau for Data Driven Decision Makers (TAB-4)

Location: Virtual or On-site

Length: 1 Day

Price: $800 per student


As data acquisition, access, analysis, and reporting are interwoven with our businesses and lives, more and more data is collected about business and personal activities. This abundance of data and the computing power to analyze it has increased the use of data analysis and data visualization across a broad range of job roles. Decision makers of all types, including managers and executives, must interact with, interpret, and develop reports based on data and analysis provided to them.

Tableau® software is designed for data analysis and the creation of visualizations. Data analysts prepare data, perform initial analysis, and create visualizations that are then passed on to business data-driven decision makers. These decision makers can use Tableau's tools to explore the data, perform further analysis to find new insights, make decisions, and create customized reports to share their findings.

Learn why Fulcrum Forge is the best choice to be your training partner.

Course Objectives:

In this course, you will perform advanced data visualization and data blending with Tableau. You will:

  • Explore Tableau reports

  • Analyze data to get answers and insights

  • Sort and group data for analysis and reporting

  • Filter views

  • Prepare reports

Who Should Attend:

This course is designed for professionals in a variety of job roles who receive Tableau data visualizations from data analysts or from data visualization engineers. These data report recipients want to take advantage of the many Tableau features and capabilities that enable them to explore the data behind the initial analysis, perform additional analysis to ask next level questions of the data, and to customize visualizations and dashboards to share new insights and create compelling reports.


No applicable certification.


  • Proficiency with Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets


Related Course:

Tableau Desktop Part 1 (Second Edition)(TAB-1) - More in-depth course.

Tableau Desktop Part 2 (Second Edition)(TAB-2) - 2nd half of more in-depth course.

Tableau Desktop Certified Associate Exam Bootcamp (TAB-3) - training and certification prep for Tableau Desktop Associate certification


Detailed Course Outline

Lesson 1: Exploring Tableau Reports

Topic A: Data Analysis Workflow with Tableau

Topic B: Explore Views

Topic C: Edit Workbooks

Lesson 2: Analyzing Data to Get Answers and Insights

Topic A: Configure Marks with the Marks Card

Topic B: Ask New Questions by Changing Aggregation

Topic C: Find Answers with Calculations

Topic D: Answer Questions with Table Calculations

Lesson 3: Sorting and Grouping Data for Analysis and Reporting

Topic A: Sort Data

Topic B: Group Data

Lesson 4: Filtering Views

Topic A: Filter Data to Refine Analysis

Topic B: Create Interactive Filters for Reports

Lesson 5: Preparing Reports

Topic A: Format and Annotate Views to Tell Your Story

Topic B: Emphasize Data in Reports

Topic C: Animate Visualizations for Clarity

Lesson 6: Troubleshooting, Sharing, and Collaborating

Topic A: Troubleshoot Data Issues

Topic B: Collaborate in Tableau Online

Topic C: Collaborate with Non-Tableau Users

Appendix A: Best Practices for Visual Design

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