4 Tools for Creating Buyer Personas and How To Use Them [Infographic]

Well defined, accurate buyer personas are key to an effective content strategy, online engagement, and inbound selling. You have to know who you're talking to, and what they're looking for in order to create content that appeals to them, and how to appeal to them during the sales process. 

We’ve written ebooks on buyer personas and even shared our process for building what we call funnel stage personas that provide engagement guidance at each stage of the buyer's journey. We recommend updating your buyer personas when planning a marketing campaign just to make sure your marketing and sales team will have a structured approach for outreach at all stages of the prospect lifecycle.

That said, one thing everyone wants to know is what tools are useful for creating and refining buyer personas. To answer that question, we've created the following infographic. In it, we show 4 tools for creating buyer personas, and we tell you how we use each tool to build better personals that make digital outreach more successful.

Want to see the process we use to create buyer personas? Download our free ebook: The Essential Guide to Creating Buyer Personas!
